Arisa – Instructor
I am very impressed with the professionalism and quality of education at UF.
Erica – Future medical school student
Love the course!
Casey – Future dental school student
Very enjoyable course.
Dasuni – Physicist
Dr. Rarey is a great teacher. I really enjoyed his presentations and learned a lot during the course.
Michael – Instructor
I enjoyed the manner in which the course was presented.
Alexandra – Dental student
I really enjoyed the anatomy class and lab, since they were online classes I wasn’t sure I would like them, but I was really pleased with the quality of the classes.
Trina – Instructor
It’s really quite difficult to find a university that will allow graduates teaching in the field to add to their coursework without applying to a PhD program. I’m a teacher and additional schooling is expensive. Additionally, I’ve taken online courses before, but this is the best put together program I’ve ever partaken in. I have really enjoyed the online video instruction and online cadaver lab. I feel like I am being taught instead of teaching myself like most online courses. So, thank you for such a wonderful program.
Kelly – Instructor
I truly appreciate the on-line classes and the ability to test at home. Dr Rarey gives excellent lectures and I was able to catch on and create a schedule that worked.